Hearing Testing 

All workers exposed to workplace noise that exceeds exposure limits must have annual hearing testing. New workers in these environments must have their hearing tested as soon as reasonable, within 6 months of being employed with the Company.

What is BOOTHLESS Hearing Testing?

We are able to come to your workspace & conduct hearing testing in your office space, site office or multiple locations. Our only limitations are that the location must be quiet and accessible! 

What is the process for each audiogram?

Our audiometer, technicians and gear is all approved by WorkSafeBC.
1) WCB Questionnaire
2) Audiogram and Review
3) Hearing Protection Consultation

What is the cost for the audiogram?

Audiograms are $65 per test*. Additional expenses such as travel, accommodations etc. will be charged to the Company**. Cedar Creek is based in Terrace BC.

Contact Us!       250-615-9309

* Testing costs are subjected to change and may not be current on this site. Estimates will be sent to all Companies and must be approved prior to testing commencing. ** Even if WCB is covering the cost of the audiograms, the Company is required to pay expenses themselves.